The examiner's view
Presentation and exam technique are crucial factors in passing the FRCS (Orth) exam, especially in paediatric orthopaedics where the examiners are usually paediatric surgeons themselves. But what questions do the examiners choose? What do you need to say to pass? And what do you need to do to go from a 6 to a 7 or 8? What are the common mistakes candidates tend to make, and what do examiners really want to hear?
In this interview we ask answer all these questions and more in the company of Mr Tahir Khan, Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Stanmore, and FRCS (Orth) Examiner for the past 12 years...
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FRCS Paed-Ortho in a day — Orthopaedic Research UK (